Strategic, Governance and Financial Documents



ANNUAL AUDIT 2022-23 (for previous years please contact the Clerk)

The Annual Audit for 2022-23 has been undertaken and the following documents are now available:

Internal Audit

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022-23

External Auditor's Certificate

Notice of Conclusion of Audit for 2022-23


The documents have been submitted to the external auditors and the Notice of Public Rights has been published.


The following Governance Documents of Barnham & Eastergate Parish Council were  approved at the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on 23rd May 2023 and are reviewed annually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Standing Orders

Financial Regulations

Code of Conduct

FOI Publication Scheme

Data Protection Policy

Grant Awarding Policy 

Security Incident Policy

Complaints Procedure

Planning & Environment Committee ToR

Procurement Policy

Finance Sub-Committee ToR

Scheme of Delegation

Statement of Internal Control

Organisation Chart

Strategic Plan 

The Council's Strategic Plan should be read in conjunction with:

The Strategic Plan sets the key priorities that the Parish Council will focus on over the next 5 years.

The Plan will be reviewed annually and will be used in the budgeting process, to plan activities for the forthcoming year and will enable the Parish Council to monitor its progress against key priorities.